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  -!!! SOLD OUT !!!- 

Next course starting in April! Click below to email us and be added to the waitlist:

- Experience learning together as a communtiy,  get to know other students and get comfortable with communicating in Portuguese!-

We've Got You Covered!

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2 hours per week of live and recorded instruction

Ability to receive personalised feedback from the instructor

1 or more hours of study hall/practice sessions with your classmates

Opportunity to connect with others, create a community as you practice your Portuguese

Limited spots available 

Claim your spot today!

Beginners Portuguese Intensive course - Starting April 2025

How much and how long is the course?

Image by Marvin Meyer

The course will last for 3 months with an option 4th month to practice speaking and understanding. Classes will take place twice a week, starting in April Each class costs 9€ with all written material included, access to live classes and video recordings.


I don't have much time to study/ I would like a complentary way of reviewing each class.

Mp4 video recordings that summarize each class in about 5- 10minutes are also available. Each video has an extra fee of 2€. You will get a free short video to make a sense if this suits your needs.

What if i can't join the live classes?

Classes are always recorded and the recordings are readily available.

What time are the live classes?

Classes take place Tuesdays and Thursdays OR Mondays and Wednesdays afternoon/evening (5pm - Portugal time). Depending on the number of students interested in an earlier schedule lunch time Portugal (12pm) is also possible.


For how long do I have access to the course material?

All the material is yours to keep to allow you to review the course at your own pace as many times as you need.




Learning Portuguese with Inês is simply delightful. I recommend her as a teacher whole heartedly. She made my learning experience very nice. She’s professional, kind and always available to offer her insight about the Portuguese culture and language. Inês is great with people. Makes you feel included and cared for and thinking about the teachers I had in my school years I really wish more of them would’ve been as cool and happy to help you learn as Inês is.

If you decide to learn Portuguese, don’t hesitate to connect with Inês and find out everything you need to know before you subscribe. She’s very responsive and her lovely energy will make feel inspired and eager to learn.


Hermina S., Romenia

Course structure

Week 1 - Introduction - building a bridge between English and Portuguese.
Similar words between English and Portuguese. Building an active vocabulary.

Week 2 - Creating useful sentences for everyday life. Food and meals vocabulary. Tips & tricks to pronounce Portuguese words.

Week 7 - Estar. Moods & Emotions. Temporary states & locations. Talking about hobbies & leisure activities in everyday life. -Ar ending verbs

Week 8 - Meals & Menus. Verbs & words ending in -er. Weather vocabulary. 

Week 3 - Sentence structure. Introduction on word gender and plural.
How to create sentences and questions using a simple structure.

Week 4 - Numbers (1-10) & articles. Active vocabulary: "To know", "How many"&"How much". Colors and clothing.

Week 5 - "To be" and it's different forms. "Ser" vs "Estar". Nationalities and professions. Expressing permanent characteristics. 

Week 6 - Numbers: saying the time and the date. Genders & Plurals.

Week 10 - Expressing future actions. Prepositions and demonstratives. Expressing movement.

Week 11 - Expressing possession. "To like" and "To need" - actions&expressions with prepositions. 

Week 12 - Daily routine - Reflexive verbs. 

Week 13 - Listening & Understanding exercises.

About Us

Welcome to Bom Português - Language School!


Whether you are living in Portugal, planning to move or just wanting to learn the beautiful language of Portuguese, Bom Português is here for you!


You’ll learn the most important words and phrases you’ll need to navigate life in our beautiful country!


We offer online beginner Portuguese courses and can adapt to your schedule, to meet you when it suits you best! Classes are live and recordings are always available!

Meet your instructor

Inês is a Portuguese native with a passion for traveling and teaching. Growing up with a Portuguese teacher as a mother she was introduced to the joys of teaching at a very young age. She is an experienced teacher and was educated and certified by Cambridge.

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